Still in a Fog


Still in a Fog – enameled pendant

 This piece was inspired by the theme of the exhibit that it was created for. The theme is “Emerge” and my goal was to make a piece representing what the word means to me in view of the past year.  

 It was originally intended to be an image of trees emerging from the fog… a metaphor for how I am feeling after a year of isolation and worry. As it developed, the failure of the enamel and copper oxides to react as planned determined that the fog was not yet lifting. The trees, although present, are barely visible in the heavy fog. I could have continued to work on it until it developed as planned or until it totally failed. I decided to stop for the day and look at it with fresh eyes later. In the end, I accepted that it represented my state-of-being better than what I had planned. My hope is that the viewer will recognize the feelings implied by the image.

 An image of trees was electro-etched in copper and enameled with cream colored enamel only. The pale green color developed after repeated firings as the copper oxides surfaced through the glass. The back of the pendant was roller printed with a dried leaf.

 48mm x 31 mm x 5mm 19 ½” sterling silver snake chain

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